Toes in the Sand

Toes in the Sand

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's one of those days...

But at least it's sunny outside again! :)

So for starters, I have been using ovulation predictor tests in hope that if we happen to ovulate we might have a better chance. Well, we're 2 weeks behind the "normal" schedule, but things might be looking up! The test was very positive the past 2 days. Woohoo! I would be so happy if things finally just worked on their own. I just have to really remember to leave it in God's hands. Ultimately, it's all up to him.

Then, I somehow have 6 cousins (some blood and some not) who are all either pregnant, about to pop or just had their babies! CRAZY! I guess the fertility part skipped me. It's all good though. My dear little cousin, Britney, went into false labor today. (I find myself living through people sometimes and as much as I hate that, it makes me feel better. Does that make sense or am I going crazy?) Needless to say, I was very excited for little Avery to make his grand appearance, but he's decided to stay nice and cozy for a little while longer. I feel so bad for her. She's now overdue and more than ready. Although, I must admit, I wouldn't mind having the chance to be in her shoes right now. It'll happen eventually though!

For those of you who haven't met Dominik yet, he is such a sweet young man. Their culture is so much different than ours. :) He has made such a nice addition to our home and fits right in with our craziness! Domi's energy has made it much easier to be distracted from "infertility reality." 

Please pray that my body might be working on it's own this cycle, that we have some success and for Britney's strength to get through the next few days.

Thanks for listening!

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